Test & win!
Test today, you might be one of the lucky winners tomorrow!
*Every hundredth person might win access to a WYHLIDAL online edition within a period of 6 month. The judges’ decision is final.
Testen Sie jetzt, vielleicht sind
Sie morgen ein Gewinner.
There is an update to WYHLIDAL 2015 available. On new Windows machines (64 Bit) we recommend to install only WYHLIDAL 2015.
WYHLIDAL 2012 is not the actual version. Therefore kindly note, that the support is no longer free of charge.
- For each support case (up to 60 minutes) we charge net Euro 130.
- Afterwards for every 15 minutes interval or part thereof net Euro 30.
- A new activation number net Euro 30,-.
If you need help mail to technik@wyhlidal.com
For the WYHLIDAL 2012 reinstallation you need your certificate of authenticity. If you need a copy please contact us directly.
Download WYHLIDAL 2012 (Zip)
Download WYHLIDAL 2012 (EXE)
Stand: 1.7.2014