Test & win!


Fachwörterbuch online testen und vielleicht gewinnen!



Test today, you might be one of the lucky winners tomorrow!


*Every hundredth person might win access to a WYHLIDAL online edition within a period of 6 month. The judgesdecision is final.



Testen Sie jetzt, vielleicht sind

Sie morgen ein Gewinner.


More system requirements

WYHLIDAL 2015 is compatible with Windows 7 (64 Bit).


Intranet version


Server hardware:

Pentium II and higher

50 MB free disk space

min. 128 MB RAM (recommended 256 MB)


Server software:

Windows Server (NT-SP6, 2000-SP2), Windows 7

Microsoft Internet Information Server from version 4



Internet Explorer form version 5 or Netscape from version 4.7

Cookies (recommended) and Java Script (activated)